Creative, I like it.
This was a good idea, pretty cool. Could have been better if the graphics were better though.
And yeah, I really hate how Macs go on about the FEW (VERY few) things that make them better. And every time I have used a Mac it was 10 times worse than a PC. In graphic arts class last semester we used Macs and for literally more than half the semester they wouldn't work. At all. So the class couldn't do anything on them.
I don't understand the whole "PCs crash and Macs don't" thing. My computer NEVER crashes. But every single Mac I've ever used has crashed on me. And yes, I've used much more than 2.
Well, there's my little off topic rant. lol
But yeah, I liked your flash. A good idea with potential, although it was pretty short, but you can't really stretch that idea out too long, could you... =/